Investing basics
Get a handle of the foundation of investing with these helpful resources.
Choosing a financial adviser (CSA)
Guide to investor rights (CSA)
Investor bill of rights (NASAA)
Informed investing: Meme stocks
Informed investing: Robo-adviser
Informed investing: Checking registration
Investor’s Guide: Cryptocurrencies
For youth
Instilling good money habits in children sets them up for success later in life. Explore these helpful resources.
Make it count – parent’s guide (MSC)
Protect yourself
When it comes to investing, you can never be too careful. Use these resources to help learn how to protect yourself from investment fraud.
31 Common Investment Scams and Red Flags
The dos and don’ts of investing
Recognizing investment fraud – ASC case studies
Recognizing and avoiding scams
Learn how to protect your nest egg from unwise and fraudulent investments.
Spot and stop senior investment fraud
Protecting Alberta seniors: financial concerns checklist
Protecting seniors from financial abuse and investment fraud