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Investing basics blog

balancing investment portfolio
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  • Investing basics

Portfolio rebalancing: How to manage your investments for long-term success

The past year was a standout for financial markets. Stock markets surged, retail trading boomed, and optimism seemed to drive investment decisions. Whether you’re a new or experienced DIY investor, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a bull market run and lose sight of your long-term investing strategy. Achieving your financial goals requires understanding yourself as…
investment literacy gift box
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  • Investing basics

The gift of investment literacy: Inspire meaningful investment habits this holiday season

Why not give a gift that goes beyond the ordinary this holiday season? As we gather to celebrate the season, inspire your loved ones with tools and resources that can help them build a strong financial future. According to a CIBC’s Financial Literacy and Preparedness Report, 60 per cent of Canadians expressed a desire to boost their financial knowledge. During…
financial anxiety
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  • Investing basics

Feeling stressed about money? Here are 3 tips to overcome financial anxiety when investing

Over the last few years, inflation and the rising cost of living, stagnant wages and seemingly unattainable housing prices have created a perfect storm of financial stress worldwide, including for many Canadians. These pressures have sparked a growing wave of financial anxiety for many. This has led many to question whether traditional financial advice still applies or if planning for…
international investment diversification
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  • Investing basics

International diversification: Does it belong in your investment portfolio?

Diversification is a cornerstone of a sound investment strategy. At its simplest, the concept is often likened to the adage “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. Investing in different types of assets (like stock, bonds, real estate, different industries, and geographic regions helps to reduce the overall risk of an investment portfolio. Most Canadian investors use investment funds…
understanding investment fund
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  • Investing basics

How to determine if an investment fund is right for you

For many Canadian investors, investment funds are commonly used to build a diversified portfolio. Diversification in investing means the act of spreading your investment risk across multiple companies and investment types. Investment funds like mutual funds and exchange-traded funds enable investors to pool their money together to invest in a basket of investments like stocks and bonds rather than having…
computer remote access investment scam
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  • Types of investment scams

Is remote access technology safe? How to protect yourself from the makings of an investment scam

We’ve all received those suspicious messages: a text from your favourite online shopping company claiming your package is stuck or an email seemingly from Canada Post asking you to click a link to reschedule delivery to a package that you never ordered. These tactics might seem cliché now, but these prompts are the beginning of a scam. But what if…